Remember This One...? One Country's People Taking Their Country Back !

Anyone seen what Switzerland's people have been doing of late? I noticed but I didn't dig deeper until I saw Scotland trying to Secede from the EU Revisied Roman Empire beast. Scotland's citizen was having enough of London's Banker controlled politics in Scotland. After all countries have been trading goods for centuries with out having to give up its sovereignty and human rights as 'a free people'. And Scottlands 'oil reserves off its internationally recognized waters was seeingnthenrevenue going to the Kingdom and not to the Scottish coffers. So the people got together and started a movement for Independence from the EU. Unfortunately the voter fraud kept them from turning back the clock and getting out of the EU. But there's always a next time as is with politics and the time to vote once again

Switzerland is also concerned about issues like personal freedoms and sovereignty and immigration and the Blanket controls and politics. And the people are doing something about it at the poles. They understand the importance these issues are to their freedoms, safety and security, and for their children's well beings. Their priorities are rooted in family and their children's futures as a race and as a nation.

On the flip side France has some serious problems as well as the UK with extremists, sharia law, and violence against the nationalist citizens of France. Its never to late to return back to a countries roots that brought their prosperity and safety to such a great level before the aethiestic illuminati Bankers and Corproatemheadsnbribed the local counsels and regional politicians.