Remember This...? Obama Is An Illegal Immigrant

Photo shopped family
 photo of Barry Soetoro.

Photo shopped family
Photo of Barry Soetoro

Barrack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro supported by a NWO collective which included the progressive liberal left, american and foreign communist collectives,  muslim radicals, and american fascist regimes, in high political offices and governmental departments like the CIA and CFR and foundations backed by banker elitists and freemasons, fraudulently got Obama elected into the highest office of Americas government in 2008 and 2012. Obama is the closet thing to the Luciferian Devil incarnate revisited. Every time the devil plants one of his most fierce human supporters on the earth, nothing but destruction and blood sheds follows.

I almost voted for Obama and my soul felt his words were to sweet and that bothered me, so I did not vote at all. The way the republicans treated my candidate in 2012 as the nominee, I declined to vote for any final selections Obama or Mitt Romney, because I felt none of them represented the america I believed in. A constitutional government where people and politicians follow the laws set forth in the constitution.

' You shall know them by their fruits'  is a statement in the bible about people who exercise their free will to do evil against others. We can see clearly Americas govt is a sham and filled with vial men with hearts of evil. There's only two ways to completely change this;

* Vote for a proven constitutional candidate for office at all levels local, state and federal. If there is none then people need to rise up a constitutional candidate.

* Pray for it to be Gods will he strengthen peoples hearts to do the first. For God raises up leaders and he makes them fall.

Now that america knows that the govt (NSA) is deeply involved into subversion of american citizens, listening, recording, storing transmission data of cell phones, tablets, PC data transfers we would be extremely foolish to believe they are not into hacking peoples property as well. It was disclosed they also act as fb friends, post false narratives, flag people for abuse incorrectly and on and on. Bottom line is the Internet has become a virtual world of cohn and lies and deception and has pretty much destroyed any credibility as a legal entity. Like a polygraph teat it can not be believed. UFOS and alien  videos have become mainstream entertainment and even more unbelievable. Our mass media, like CNN, now proven to be a CIA front, simply can not be believed. We live in an age of deception.

So we have to judge our leaders by their works and lack their of. Questioning everything that our govt does and how they act and dont act becomes a huge task and burden upon american citizens lives. This is not how people want to live nor should it be necessary for survival to have to. When govt becomes so oppressive with its laws, rules, statutes then its time to atop the insanity of BIG GOVT and reduce the system and localize it by State nation Succession. Separate from the beast and its tentacles and influence.

In the end times God says he will separate his fruit, his saints from the weeds, from the wolves. If you recall a separation between people is occurring almost daily. Racism, homophobia, Christians, patriots, atheists, feminists, housewives, husbands, fathers, mothers, gun owners, bankers, financial systems, and so on. Political correctness is a huge separator for it brings people to decide do I follow govts talking points and agendas or do I follow the law as handed down and the christian beliefs behind those laws? Secular or holly? Marxist or Liberty? So which side are you on? Fence walkers will be eventually ridiculed and abolished...