There Is A ' Life Dimension ' Called Heaven, We Can't See On Earth !

     During a canoe trip Mary got lodged under some boulders in the rapids she was canoeing in and drowned. Her amazing near death experience  and return changed her life and beliefs in the after - life forever.

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

EVERY Human Had BETTER Get Up to Speed on This...Like, YESTERDAY!

          They wanted to DESTABILIZE 7 COUNTRIES IN FIVE YEARS in the middle east. Thus push the US Dollar into their economies and the international bankers using US Dollars for war machines and supplies and to buy puppet leaders and trade out oil reserves for US Dollars, propping up the value and demand for the dollar currency. The ruse is the TERROR on THE ISLAMIC Caliphate and ISIS all CIA created. Supplying the rebel Muslims backed by US Weapons shipped in to Libya then north to the Mideast via Turkey a NATO Member and into Syria. The war on terror is a created scenario to puch US Dollars into the regency to control the oil, to trade it in dollars, killing millions of children with bombs and nuclear radiated waste metals polluting the lands of the MIDDLE EAST for eternity. Making most places deselete and dangerous to live in. And taking over the oil reserves for Saudi Arabia and Americas oil producers. Your taking your life into your hands working in IRAQ.