Remember This...? Killer Cops Become The Norm

Aug  2014 an 18 yr old and his friend was seen on a security camera inside a store allegedly stealing. And was their a gun ever presented?! Was there a gun ever seen by the Killer Cop? We don't know if this is the dead young man until an eye witness who knows him comes out publicly and identifies him.

More and more information comes out bout the officer being hit in the FACE and what had lead up to the shooting, as Mark Dice shows us in this video.

Reports says later him and a friend are walking down the street in Ferguson MO  and was stopped and told to get on the side walk by a police officer. Soon after the cop became anger these people didn't follow his command and became belligerent to the two men and soon after, the officer became a Killer Cop. Shooting the one young man as the cop was firing at them both. Allegedly unarmed they fled of course. But not until the Killer Cop had one dead.
Here's a break down of the incident and supposed facts in the case of recent done by Mark Dice.

Albuquerque New Mexico has had many Killer Cop shootings of recent, including where a homeless man was following cop commands and complying and was still shot dead as the report by video seems to show.
(caution: very graphic / disturbing)

Protests in Missouri as well as protests across the US have been wide spread as USA inc government provocateurs infiltrate the crowds, stirring up chaos. And of course the corrupt office of the DOJ had sent people to MO like they did in the , George Zimmerman incident that fatally shot Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American young man, in Florida that had occurred.

Killer Cop shoots
Unarmed Hands Up 18 yr
Old Male. Riots
Pursue / Martial Law?


News Reporter Helps Stop
Destruction Of
Private Property by
Rogue Protester

Swat Cops try To
Set Off Deadly Clash
With Protesters

New Mexico Teen Shoot 
Dead Again Cops Kill
And No Problem !
Killer Cops Everywhere
Live interview - Whiteness 
Says dead Man and Him Unarmed - Cop Goes Ape - Draws Weapon
And Fires - both Men Unarmed.

So I wonder what ole Ron Paul's doing with his time? lol.

Do You Remember - So much of life go's by so quickly people tend to forget the worst of humanity' and the tragedies that have occurred to so many. This in it's self is a tragedy. Because history tells us all a lot about humanity when it is godless and when its an empty vessel and the evil humanity can and does spew from it's imaginations and hearts.

Days Of Sorrow Upon The World
Gods Love and his forgiveness is the only thing that matters in the Universe...