The Unnatural - World Pedophile Network By Govt Secrecy

The agenda is all to clear. To control the masses create chaos and then create more laws, 
thus put shackles on every human being . ADD SO MANY LAWS, PEOPLE will be afraid to breath ! Then why is it, what is it in human nature the MANKIND can not be civil and good and righteous. Hhow is it that people can not be good for themselves that they need so many laws to control them. Oor is that part of the leveraging that is occurring against mankind - excessive controls. Does not man have free will, to control ones own actions. Does humanity need to be cattle proded and shackled to keep one from harming themselves and others. Or is the nature of man to be fully unleashed and free to do what ever ones imagination can conjure up -as long as it doesn't harm others... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The reality is MANKIND needs a LOVE with in them greater than the pleasure of what the world offers for man to want to do right towards the natural laws and embrace those laws and apply them in their lives daily, and to actually control their ideologies and thoughts and imagination, ones desires and lusts and appetites.

    For most that has to start with in people in the system of family and government which males up society. But people individually need to understand the truth the reality and the consequences, and allow themselves to be TRAINED UP in the ideology and self responsibility, to be good nd kind and loving under the laws of nature.

The political collective will must match the individual collective will to follow something greater in ideology than what the establishment offers. Many say religion can be the answer but because mankind  believe their is a SPIRITUAL component to mankind, only then will the will can be changed on its own and with a higher purpose other than SELF PLEASURE AND SELF SERVING in their lives.

As a collective the collective will must agree on a single ideology and make it their religion or social philosophy. With so much history in mankind's past, one would think, mankind would be walking towards a great one world religion agreed and applied upon. And it has to be a righteous loving religion. A personally embraced religion with doctrine and wisdom and an authority figure chosen that is strong but compassionate, one that exercises great true righteous judgment and applies mercy and forgiveness equally.

What we know is man is influenced in his own mind and of their imagination -  advertisement is a strong carrier of a message that can and does influence people - if their open to it, if they see a benefit to themselves or a help in reaching the end goal of the person or group. Movies, music, legislation, sports, art, free speech, lead by example are a few. If spirituality is true and we are a spiritual being, deity in a physical biological vessel, then its safe to assume their are beings that are not in a vessel and are lose and free to travel and to exercise their will in their spiritual existence. If we can love we can also hate. And if we as a spiritual being can chose then a free spirit can also do the same. What ever is on earth let it be in heaven ( the spiritual dimension) as well. Or vise versa. So who gets to chose and make it so - we people be like and emulate the movies or the movies to be made to emulate  humanity?

We can safely assume if man kind can be corrupted then spiritually a spirit can be corrupted in a spiritual world as well. So the worse case scenario is the spiritually corrupt world is influencing man to corrupt mankind. With the history of mans actions and will in that it always seems to repeat its self, how can we not see the facts before our very eyes -  man is easily corrupted and eventually destroys its self -and why?