Remember This One ? She's Got No Pants On !

"Girl Walks Around NYC With No Pants!" on YouTube

Ya its been a 'fad' or a decade now. I haven't researched it but many have seen the general idea of body painting in Sports illustrated, San Fransisco Pride Parades, Mardi-Gra in New Orleans and of course in Key West & South Miami Beach.

What I want to known is 'where's the shame'? I mean how do women expect 'respect' when they don't respect themselves ? Women are designed physically to be attractive it's a gift. To attracts 'mate'. A male mate ( her plumbing is made to make babies, OK) to be her knight in shinning armor and protector and defender of her offspring and loyalist and supprter. It's just as easy to fall in love with. Trump' as it is a' cable guy, right. 

And the union is more than a contract of marriage. But look up the definition of marriage - blending and joining-two now one-of like hearts, and minds and spirits and goals. Yes a mate is more than just sex and a contract. 

So by do women put such a low 'gutter' whore value on their gift - their bodies. And allow men to use them up with sex and drink and drugs.