Why Zimbabwe is killing its currency

Remember this one...

Zimbabwe is eliminating its own countries currency and will use the USA currency printed by the Federal Reserve. Watch on youtube this report by ODN.

the imf and international bankers have destroyed a sovereign nation of Zimbabwe into submission. it killed its job market and exports, made it import everything. created hyper inflation until the country submitted to the colonialism obama speaks of being so bad across the globe by the very bankers that have bought him.


THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A COUNTRIES CURRENCY IS OVERLY PRINTED. MASS INFLATION. When the USA economy collapses which is expected in sept 2015 thru 2016, americas dollar will be like Zimbabwes old currency. HYPER INFLATION will ensue. The FEDERAL RESERVE has been able to keep the USA Inc from going bankrupt technically by using the derivative market and OFF BOOK ACCOUNTING PRACTICES. 

The bible says in the end times a loaf of bread will be a days wages. What it is saying is that inflation will be so extreme that people will starve because the man made currency and financial system is so messed up, people wont have jobs and the freedom to feed them selfs, and even basic products will be so expensive people will not eat. 

The only reason the USA is still afloat is GODS good graces on the christians in America. But time is short to prepare for this door to close for all peoples will need to be prepared for a 7 year depression so severe in the history of the world, billions of people will die. The last days is a quickening of the separation of evil from good. People who listen to Gods words of wisdom and truths and recognize his hand in the affairs of men and kings and countries will be prepared for the hardest of times coming. 

The wicked will succumb to their perversions and be enthralled in them and wont be awake to see the real dangers coming, of starvation, food and water shortages. Their children will not live. Their grand parents will fade. Their lives painfully sniffed out. By their choses to sin continuously to not seek Gods wisdom and truths and follow his commandments. 

Jesus says the victory will be theirs to those who obey him.