The Gary Webb Story

 Gary Webb had worked for a Newspaper for some years in the 70s and 80s. And one subject he had written about developed into a story about drug smuggling into the USA. An operation cordinated by the CIA during George Bushes tenure as vice president, and Bill Clinton had become president.

 A lot of people have died directly connected to the operations and who worked for justice. One soldier came out on top - former Colonel Oliver North, from the whole scandalous operation that he was apart of.

The story's very important because it shows through court records and documents how the govt at all levels including the Department of Justice put pressure every where to keep it covered up. How the feds CIA branch literally bypasses congress in covert operations and engages in totally illegal activity, bribes citizens, laundrys profit money to fund illegal operations, pressures State Agencies and State Govt and State law enforcement to cover up such illegal operations.


' Evil prevails when good men do nothing '

   Seems to me an operation as big as the CIA drug smuggling and gun running Covert operations as the Iran Contra Affair everyone in the Presidents Administration leadership including the oval office was a part of it as well as the State Dept, Pentagon, Department of Justice and a lot of Governors and State authorities.

Weapons manufacturing, hiring drug smugglers, CIA front businesses, aircraft and airport operations, FFA, DEA, ATF, FBI, CIA, CFR and the NSA. Are you at all worried Americas government is playing by a whole different set of rules.

                                      Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion

                                                               Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA

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