Nation State Succession For
True Sustainability !
America has its Constitution and its military to protect our shores and natural born and legal Citizens. America has its own financial monetary system. America has the ability to invest in closed borders. All profits by the Federal Reserve and wages and salaries and assets of its board of directors will be confiscated and returned to US shores at Fort Knox. All properties internationally will be auctioned off and proceeds returned to the US shores.
America can stay the course and stop this crazy fear based wars when in reality the feds for corporate interests are Empire building.
Its time to enforce the legal laws on the books and remove Obama and most of the Senate and House politicians that the corporate ceos in and out of this country have sported them.
Close down wall Street as it has become a gambling ponzi scam as have derivatives to manipulate international traders. Close down the top 5 banks in the US. And jail the CEOs and VPs or deport them.
Break up the top 100 largest corporations into private companies and change the campaign finance laws on contributions by corporations.
Make each state a nation State and develop federal laws as renewable treaties only to a new Federally Legal entity that follows all constitutional laws. They would be prohibited from taking any actions or having any authority in commerce or military or legislative law over the Americas and from owning any land or resources of the Americas except the 10 mile square of property it resides in now. The new Federal Govt will be an administrative body only, and oversee certain areas of regulatory and statutory laws only developed by each Nation State.
Dismantle the Federal Reserve and CIA and IRS. Return the authority back to each nation State to make its own monetary credits.
Shut down and abolish 80% of the Federal department's. Each state will absorb what personnel and departs it needs. All land under UN or Federal ownership or leases would be retitled and returned to that Nation States as well as all equipment, buildings and supplies.
All USA Inc debt belongs to them alone. Federal income taxes will be abolished. All science labs funded by USA Inc govt funding and or foundational funding nationally or internationally will be shut down and assists seized and sold, other than to cover dangerous materials they may have and will be evaluated for safety shut downs.
All Universities with over 35% govt funding and or foundational funding nationally or internationally will be shut down and assists seized and sold.
Dismantle the United Nations and bar any organization that has shown it to be subversive in its actions, collective partnerships from inside or outside the shores of America and deport those people who have voted 30% of the time for treaties that go directly against the US Constitutional Laws and Bill of Rights.
Dismantle the Secret Service, CFR, CIA, ATF, IRS, NSA, TRI-LATERAL COMMISSION, EPA, FDA . All think tanks that worked with the former federalists and lobbyist will be dismantled.
All ISLAMIC persons will be deported in an organized 90 day program out of the Americas, as their religion is not peaceful and is ran by political subversives to infiltrate govt department's, law enforcement, education systems and mass media, to bring to fruition Sharia Law and subvert the Constitutional Laws and Bill of rights of America.
Any corporation that has contribute money via packs or lobbyists funding for pork spending bills will be shut down and all property seized and returned to the Nation STATE to be liquidated, or ran until new patriotic ownership can be established with in 1 year.
All big chemical and pharma corporations and ceos will be shut down safely and deported off the shores of America, to stop the continued poisoning of the citizens.
Folks America Will Go Back To The Basics !! Uncontrolled Greed
and deliberate Constitutional Subversion will no longer be tolerated, fed, supported and merely watched to gain its foot hold again any time soon.
Stop the Fluoride, Stop the Fracking, Stop the Aersol Spraying, Stop the Weather Modification, Stop the Pesticides, Stop the Pipelines of dirty oil, Stop the GMO labs and crops !
This is Americas Sustainability !
If you desire to practice your deceptions and greed and lies and thievery and sexual perversions feel free to do so on some other foreign shore.