When people become so transfixed onto a subject matter, it becomes their idol. The problem with idols is they take up so much energy and inputs blinders on people. They don't make room for truth, and reality.
I have come to recognize, people are manipulated and they pigeon hole their lives by being transfixed on a very small space and area of knowledge. This becomes their comfort or discomfort zone.
Lets say you've have been given a piece of ocean front beach property, ask yourself just what would you want to do with it? Well from your knowledge, life experiences, skill set, and available resources as well as outside influences you may inventory just exactly what it is and what meaning their is in having this space, this area.
There's, sand, palm trees, water, tides, sea life, winds, sun, shells, bugs, creatures, pollution and trash, artifacts, width, length, density, 4 dimensions, maybe other people far or near by, and so on.
After all you grew up in a physical world. So your mind is compartmentalized. So for some people this makes it difficult to see a 5th dimension, or 6th dimension or other dimensions at all.
Religion is a political system set up by men to have power and to control others for their own gaming and gain. The Religious System is not CHRISTIANITY ! Christianity defines a person who's belief is in a man named Jesus Christ and is the Son of God the father and creator of everything. And he will return from heaven and defeat evil spiritual forces, evil alien fallen angels we see today in UFOs, and evil hearted men.
If you had as much wisdom as say King Solomon, ( a man that lived in ancient Israel, that walked and spoke with God. And God granted Solomon his wish, and opened his mind to have extraordinary ability to reason all things. Solomon eventually did some pretty bad things to people and idolized much. Solomon lived his life with knowledge and reason and soon developed blinders in his heart. And his ruin was his own compartmentalization. And this also led him to harm many people ) you may become very blinded to God, by all that is happening around you. Keeping ones perspective biblical based, in dealing with life is no easy task. Because we want to tackle and fix things ourselves.
Staying grounded in the principals God has disclosed to mankind that, was and is done by his Love for his creation, will drastically help keep one safe.
" I am never changing "
" My children are destroyed for lack of the truth"
" Come and let us reason together "
" for I am a jealous God "
Four very powerful statements. I see God saying ' I am that I am ' and I wish my creation to come to me and let us have a relationship. And he will not only give you wisdom but truth and help you understand its importance for your life and for your future life in eternity. Not only the ultimately disclosure of knowledge but an understanding that one can embrace in their life -
for a relationship with the father
for safety and security
for ones prosperity
Sadly there are people in authority and power and wealth who are deceived by demons, by spirits, shape shifters, and alien fallen angels. Many of these people idolize much, with blinders on, and their decisions and their wielding of power affects so many peoples lives in a negative and dangerous ways.
Deuteronomy 13:1-3 ESV
“If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul"
How different the world would be if ' all things ' had Gods love in them...
Some people will say what's the point to all this added knowledge, when I like my life to be simple and uncomplicated. Simply that these experiences people share in these interviews are illuminating. A brief moment of truth go's along ways to understand that many of the bumpy roads we all have journeyed is because of the interaction and deciesions and manipulations made by others.
Some just roll with the punches. Some wake up from their zombie state of mind and that ' the change ' occuring is dramatic enough for them to turn themselves from sheeple to warriors.
Many just duck.