So Either by invasion or what some say as being natural occurring calamities massive cities were destroyed. The Bibles accounts of these devastation's are rather clear and gives a telling and chilling revelation to their demise.
Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed by sulfur balls called brimstone, by the millions had falling upon those cities and heating everything up to thousands of degrees and making everything a white hot ash record, that's visible today. Lot and his wife and daughters left into the mountains before the destruction. And ended up living in a neighboring city called Zara near the dead seas southern tip.
Pompeii a city with incredible perversions pushed by Roman politics to keep people entrenched in self centering's and self pleasures, they were happy to pay exorbitant taxes and put up with the Roman soldiers abuses and bullying. While the people were pushed into poverty and sought any means possible to earn even the smallest incomes for food and shelters.
Herculeam City of Perversions. Only 10 miles from Pompeii another Roman city, located in the shadowing of Mt Vesuvius, Herculaneum was a Roman city completely destroyed by the neighboring volcano, with massive amounts of ash and brimstone virtually suffocating its populations and burning everything in 79 AD. Buried under 60feet of ash nothing survived.
There were giants in those days, might men of renowned and great leaders that said they were g_ds and sons of g_D's. These highly intelligent creatures taught mankind much knowledge that they had never knew or even dreamed of before these great men lived on earth. With secret knowledge comes great power and deceptions.
And so the great corruption of earth began, and continues after the flood of Noah, and even still today by the Nephilims...
The Aliens today are called the Greys. The Greys are demons, the spirits of the dead giants and Nephilim. Their parents were half human and half allen angels. Angels that disobeyed God and followed Lucifer to the earthly realm dimension. Here they transport inter dimensionally from their spiritual side of the physical world. They have deceived many govts, people and races over the century's. Most of the worlds population is totally unaware of what is going on in this world we live in.
So here we all are with our heads spinning trying to wrap our brains around all this information. I know its not easy to. It took me 3 years almost in my research to find the begining of all this evil going on over the centuries. Thank God he allowed the internet to unveil the truth of good and evil. Where some will use much of this knowledge for evil. You have to remember God made the earth for good of man kind and that we may have fellowship with Jesus Christ our Lord and King of the Universe.
The earth was never made for evil, Lucifer, demons, fallen angels, nephilim and evil doers. Lol Notice in the Bible how God gets rid of them fairly frequently.
For everyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord, then read the scriptures and research. The more you seek his word, your eyes will be opened. And the truth will set you free.
And you will be in heaven with Jesus in his kingdom, the New Jerusalem.