Remember This One...? The Female Provocatoer

        Women want a bit of escapism sometimes, so while they want their lingerie to be functional, they also want it to be sexy.” 

        Which is far different than to be 'sexual'. Sexy for women means different things like playful, flirty, naughty but nice, cute and cuddly, and so on. The feeling derived by a women, ( unknowingly to others in public,) who can escape into a momentary fantasy of their own choosing, to simply relax from the daily grind and issues of the day, and turn mindfully inward in thought and imagination, is a exercise of self-health and vitality, a restoration period. 
And this can easily be achieved wearing undergarments that are silky, sleek, slinky and provocative to their own physical and personal senses.

' Sexy under garments ' are always a matter of personal taste and desire and level a women wishes to achieve for their personal expression and personal admiration of their personal world.

The issue needs to be raised as to how soon the government will get involved in a women's choice of styles and fabrics. Much like in the middle east, flaunting is absolutely not permitted in public with out serious abusive consequences. A strict dress code is adhered to by and for all women - in public.

But behind closed door, as the homes webcam discloses, it's a different story. Though at home in their private domain or in private to their spouse they can disrobe the public tents and enjoy the full sense of sexiness and flirtation, if the two spouses agree upon it, or the parents are not home, or the lady has her own place to relax and express herself without fear.

Every culture is unique to its own standards. But with a New World Order it won't take long for an international governorship ruling body to dictate what women can and can not wear. Very soon you may see one of two extremes occur - micro-nudity or tent designs everywhere.

Remember everything Govt legislates is for ' A Reason ' and usually has little to do with civilian choice or demands or a constitutional right protected. It's almost always about contributions and retaining vote power to keep them in their cozy offices.

I don't know how much longer women can continue to have the freedom to express their ' make believe g_dess imaginative reality using 'sexy attire 'under their street clothes, but be sure the politicians will find away to control it...

' the ladies just want to have a little fun, right ' ?
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Sorry ladies.