Remember This One...? The Ultimate Man of Disclosure in the 20th Century

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William (Bill) Cooper discloses the killer of John F Kennedy in Dallas TX.

Surgeon in Parkland ER Insists Fatal JFK Head Shot Came From the Front

We do live in an age of deception and lies. 

We now know there's several groups of collectives all trying to be the ultimate world power.

We know the roman catholic church is an international front that the Roman Jesuit organization takes its orders from, thus the churches CIA.

We know the Illuminati collective is of an occult secret society that includes several smaller elite men of business and of political offices in the US.

We know the Zionist collective is the orthodox mafia and military cartel of the Brits. 

We know the Freemason is a front for a mafia cartel of international elitists of ancient occultic satanic worship.
We know geo engineering of the skies is global and brought on daily by the military complex.
We know corporate govt partnerships is the ultimate manifestation of the toxic world we live in. And that includes preservatives, hydroginated oils, cornsyrup, GMO crops and vaccines.
We know the illuminati collective, federal reserve, many CFR members, IMF, many politicians on the right and left, are all one in the same.

We know Agenda 21 is a call for global action to depopulate the earth down to 500,000 million people world wide. We know 7 billion people can easily fit inside Texas and there is no over population problems.

We know Global Warming aka climate change is a complete hoax and is a controlled weather manipulation on slaught by government, using HAARP and powerful elf radio transmisions.

We know aliens, shape shifter reptilians, ghostly entities are fallen angels and demons.

We know governments are decieved by evil entities that appear as aliens to them.

The agenda is to bring in the criminal fascist new world order, to control capitalism and people in every country under legal contracts and international treaties. To usher in a one world order and a one world religion and a one world leader. 

If anyone tells you religion is BS and the devil isn't real, that spirituality is about self empowerment to live forever, that the bible is just a bunch of fables, really really deceived and they don't have a clue about life on this planet.

In a nut shell there is one almighty God, Jesus is King and does his fathers will, devil - demons - nephilium/fallen angels exist, UFOs are real manifestations, Christianity is the life essence  of Christ in a persons, an individual believers soul, an Antichrist is anyone who rejects Jesus Christ - ANYONE !

The power of the devil is manifested in many elitists groups using many many deceptions and inspirations towards human beings to manipulate them to do evil and destruction and cause death. And to pervert mankind's DNA, the coded instruction book of life in mankind.

The ultimate goal of evil is to do anything opposite of Gods will and pervert anything God has created in all the universe and replace Gods will with evil will. And to destroy most of humanity.

LOVE is the force that keeps humanity alive and motivates humanity to look after each other. Without LOVE man will destroy its self. Get enough people in power lacking the love for his fellow man and the tribulations will be severe.

There's only two sides - good and evil...

Use the ten commandments to judge your lives actions to see which side you've attatched yourself with.