Remembering This One...? THE NWO RESET PROGRAM OF THE 1st Degree,


     Im not a stock broker, but I see silver prices artificially low and my moneys going into silver, hose cute little silver rectangular builons are so cool, light weight and easy to hang on jewelry to wear. But remember you can not eat silver, so make sure your pantry is full cause the down hill ride will be a long one.
     I aint got alot but when the crash happens silver buys will climb and climb and climb. And the history on silver always shows a high value going into the first of the year in the first two months. So I think its prime time for silver now at 8 bucks and change (09.15.14).

     The Federal Reserve is a complete failure as it fails to live up to the reasons itws made - to insure the stability of the US money supply & of the purchasing power of the US dollar. Which has BEEN DEVALUED by a staggering 97% since the creation of the Fed 100 years ago. The fact is the NWO wants the dollars value to be just like Chinas YEN dollars in value.

     When the STOCK market takes a dive, inflation will hit again, for companies to try to regain and squeeze a little extra profit before deflation sets in, to kick start the consumers buying habits, after stock - shock -n- awe.

     Interest rates will rise as profits fall for banks to catch their loses. The feds won't reduce taxes sadly even with a huge need to to keep businesses liquid and from closing their doors and laying people off.

     Will there be a timed nuke, or a pandemic of say Chicago or NY or an Earthquake State like Cali. to cover up the financial calamity at hand...? Look they blew up the Trade Towers and stole a bunch of the GOLD there. And blewupthe accounting offices at the PENTAGON..... IT IS WHAT IT IS AND LIFE MOVED ON...right! Blowing up Chicago and Wall Street would kill the PONZI SCAM totally....and IT IS WHAT IT IS  and life moves on . NO ONE GOS TO JAIL.

              Wall Street and major banks would be destroyed completely and the collapse would be instantaneous. That would certainly cover up the stupidity of the NWO Federal Reserves actions and make the move to consolidate the dollars world WIDE systems ito the IMFs hands and  controls. And a NWO CURRENCY would emerge  ...just saying.

4 Blood Moons and the second one is OCT 8th 2014.

Just be ready and have your FOOD, supplies, and water, kids, and gasoline .
THE COLLAPSE IS COMING...lets call it a NWO RESET PROGRAM OF THE 1st Degree, shall we.

BIG SIGN FROM GOD this next go around of terror he is allowing to be unleashed on America.... TO WAKE YOU ALL UP AND SAY HEY I will forgive you if, you, return to me and repent and stop sinning and I will heal your land.

no more pornography and web cam modeling

no more homosexuals and lesbian support of perversions.

no more killing babies in and out f the wombs

no more pedophile politicians and sex slave trading

no more crack imports

stop idolizing sports men and rock musicians and naked women and worship me your God your creator and Iam that I am your father

theres ten commandments so each person can judge his and her own life and actions and the bible gives to us comfort and forgiveness passages and strength and prayers.

...we all can do it. my gosh if we can give up a soda or chips we can give up sin lol.