America has become a sewer for the rats of satanic driven criminals, and you are responsible for allowing Americas demise to continue.
Corrupt politics, partnered with big business to literally eat and breath, fornicate and spew feces in and from Washington DC... It is the combination of Babalyon, and Sodom and Gomorrah.
life doesn't have to be like this.
You have other choices.
Vote again for these people...
satanic Marxist Aethiestic Genocidal Perverted Pedophile Homosexual Crack heads Murdrs Liars Thiefs .
And America will be destroyed and you and your families and friends...
You will bring it on.
Believe in the God All Mighty, does matter.
for what fills your heart fills your world.
The truth is evil destroys what it raises up and left unchecked and uncontained...