remembering this one...! Crooked Capitalism partners with crooked USA Inc Politics

      Is the NWO really what you want for your children....? Slaves under technocracy, secular godless amoral contractual law ...?

     It seems to make billions as a politician  develops a network of donor corporate friends, from around the globe, be it tyrants, dictators, CEO's, by way of grants, bribes, favored legislation, disguised as good public policy, written by crooked capitalist henchmen, appointed by crooked politicians. This is done in most dictator tyrannical countries. Unconstitutional politicians play every angle to accomplish the NWO agenda. They can not be trusted and are treasonist traitors of the Constitution and two faced lying sons-a-bitches to amricas public. And every greedy corporate whorer in bed with them should be shut down! And the CEOs expelled from Americas shores!

     Eventual it becomes so crooked, people connected to politics get murdered and it becomes the normal way of doing business.

 America if you don't vote in a Constitutional moral based candidate into office at all levels it I'll just get worse and worse. And Rome will burn... With you and your family in it.

    Google ex executives we're just recently given prime positions in the White House. To over see and suggest policy on technology and future developments and insight. Since the USA Inc is merely an illegal corporation that usurped the peoples and Americas Constitutional govt, the slavery of citizens is becoming merely corporate resources and expense, and they will continue to drastically reduce Americas economy and down size it and maximize monopolies strangle hold.

    Everything will be taxed shifting the peoples  wealth back to the govts pockets and then return it to the corporate welfare programs. And more spy technology will and is being continuing to be  developed and implemented. The godless immoral federalist collective technocracy is marching us and the worlds populations into slavery.

   The globalist elitists above them is ready to have America handed over to them via the New World Order system of govt using and controlling the Financial systems, controling the natural resources locked up under corporate govt controls for environmental protections, and continuing down the road of health care being a totalitarian system of death by abortion and genocidal practices for the old and frail and poor. And the nonprofit controls of religion pushed into a One World Occultic fraud Religious Order. All under the UN Agenda 21 treaties.




The New World Order is simply the old guards using their financial influence building up and creating sub power networks through out the worlds power centers, to inspire them to participate in a vision of global peace through corporatism, contract law and treaties, with the promises of market dominance globally. All the while subverting countries constitutional laws and traditions.
      Everything you gain will be so taxed you won't be able to feed or have a roof over your head. The elitist will make you into a bottom feeder population, always wanting and never gaining or keeping your head above water. They would rather see you dead and get off of their systems of controls and out from under them babysitting you. They will systematically cull the herds.
    Your a pawn..... and murder and death is all part of their Order Out of Chaos End Game. They have zero remorse ! Evil has become so blatant, it is becoming the normalcy while out shop for the right sexy outfight for youryoutube or webcam channel, or your new car or latest gadget I watch...
How pathetic is the american human race becoming...? We all ready know how pathetic the elitists have become, even eating up their own millionaires. How many live outside of the USA now...? Even they see the handwritings on the wall.
Everything that evil uses to build you up eventual is used to tear you down.