Leveraging war for profit. That's how they made billions on the terrorist attacks and destruction of the Twin Towers.
The two twin towers were dinosaur's, with less than a 60% occupancy rate. Then maintenance was so costly to the NY Transit Authority it couldn't be covered by the rent collected. So what do ya do with two giant money siphons?
You blow them up...or down rather. You sell the buildings and insure them. And you leverage the cost of it all with insurance policies. And (bets) stock investments short calls, futures and so on at wall street.
And you call certain friends and tell them not to go in to work. Just follow the money trail.
Video Footage you've probably never seen and testimony you've probably never heard before, shows the towers were demolished with explosives.
Just like all the new laws since 9/11, under the cloak of fighting terrorism, people made billions. A handful, a collective of powerful wealthy people who put profits before the lives of others.
Compartmentalization was just another way they had for plausible deniability.
Here's what they don't want the public to know about, but the truthers and researchers do know.
Fallout (Uranium, Strontium, Barium, Zinc, and More) Detected by USGS
" Using the Towers’ central steel cores as a “chimney” , for vaporizing them within 8 and 10 seconds.
“…exploded violently and ejected pulverised concrete and rubble in all directions, followed by a pyroclastic flow of hot dust following the same pattern as the base surge of an underground nuclear explosion…. An estimated 90,000 tones of concrete in each tower was literally pulverised into dust, sand or grit-sized particles—an absolutely unprecedented event.
“This indicates that the forces on the concrete were so high, they exceeded its tensile strength…. by a factor of 300 or more…. and literally tore it apart.”
In other words, the nuclear “event” began by the violent upward thrust of the nuclear blast 150 feet per second. "