Remember This One..? Judy Byington - 22 Personalities Satanic Ritual and Govt Denial


' Catholic Pope has major international legal issues.'

TwentyTwo Faces-Judy Byington- her story of perverted torture and sexual abuse under mind control by a exNazi transplant. 

Multiple Personalities can occur when a person is in an extremely stressful place in life. The mind soul protects its self from the abusive nature by separating from the body and the brain continues to function like turning its own cruise control on. The body functions based on stored procedural commands.

When science can finally download a persons memories stored, people can discover everything they had learned, experienced good and bad - and determine if their personality today wishes to make personal changes in a positive way to improve who they are.

Govt aka CIA knows exactly how stress and abuse works and affects people, from their own laboratory experiments and the experiments performed by the Nazis. And especially on women because of how their brains function and process information. Emotional centers in women effect everything they do and how they make decisions.

Self protection is a key survival program with in our brains function.