Just updated chrome browser and what a Piece of crap ! There should be a law for public nuisance of software trashing the net freeway.
Volcanoes can be thought of as pressure relief valves. Most are in mountain ranges and in fault lines. And many form island chains which are simply tops of mountains that stick up out of the oceans that cover them. Volcano's can erupt through week spots in the earths mantel crust in low lying areas as well. Fierce and unpredictable forces can release huge amount of energy to destroy whole cities and much of a countries landscape.
The obvious dangers of a volcano's eruptions are extremely hot fire lava flows, earthquakes and landslides. And flying debris that may or may not be made of extremely hot material. Secondary dangers includes the pollution of ash dust that can suffocate and destroy crops. And poisonous toxic gases that can burn the skin and lungs and eyes.
After effects can destroy fertile crop lands, knock over or burn forests. Disrupt wildlife habitat and destroy wetlands and echo systems. And even change the weather and its cycles. Poison streams and rivers killing the life with in.
Mountain ranges can almost be thought of as zippers that hold together the earth fairly evenly even through times of pole shifts. The dense mass and gravity pay a vital role in keeping the lid on tight of mother earth.
Along with earthquakes under the oceans can set off devastating wave energy cross the oceans surfaces called tsunamis. Once they hit land the wave continues its momentum cross land destroying everything in its paths and flows. Tsunamis are hard to distinguish until there upon you and then most people get caught in one for those who are near by.