Cell Phone Radiation Is Melting Your Brain and Breasts !

           If you were given a loaded pistol and told you can pull the trigger anytime you chose to you, you can and the govt won't stop you. Would you eventually pull the trigger? Sooner or later? Most people would say never. But yet every person with a cellphone pulls it out and its placed against their head and is firing radiation waves th at are killing cells. Your literally destroying your own bodies cells with microwave radiation frequencies.

      And even worse many cells and their DNA is being disturbed at the molecular codeing level and agitating the encoded information that dictates how cells are to reproduce themselves. Cancer is a run  away cell reproduction. So cells are not functioning properly in replacing the damaged radiated cells that die and that are being replaced.

    Why do peopxle ON PURPOSE allow their brains to be microwaved like a microwave oven ?

     KEEP CELL PHONES AND TABLETS AND ROUTERS AWAY FROM CHILDREN BELOW THE AGE OF 18! Any responsible parent would not stick their children's heads in a MICROWAVE OVEAN!

Distance is your friend. The greater the distance the better. 1 foot 5 feet, 10 feet... The further away from a persons body the better.


Seems these ugly twisted fluorescent bulbs are not healthy either. Its explained in this video why one should be concerned.