Remembering This One...? Is Hilary Just Not Aware
or Is Her CFR Bosses Just Had Other Plans?

    Why would women vote for another person who commits war crimes against the American people?

     Is it that women don't care what the facts are as long as their political pick is elected?

Big Banks, Big Business, Big Politicians and govt depts - The Nations Drug Kings -

Many Politicians will run and win elections at any price, even selling their souls and your children's souls, and subverting the Constitution and Congress.

What has Obama done for Americans?

What has Hilary done for women over her 30 some year career?

Bill Clinton signed NAFTA that allowed businesses to move their operations out of the US and avoid taxes on profits...they left America in droves. Which fueled donations a thousand fold from corporations to politicians, and thus snuffed your voice from being heard.

They absolutely hate democracy and the Constitution they say.

Do women feel a celebrity kinship with Hilary and Obama? They to bask in the glory of celebration and lime light of these people and it makes them feel empowered? Empowered, vane, selfish, obnoxious, deceitful, arrogant, unforgiving, ruthless, and a feeling of being a survivor!

Do women really understand the evil of politics and the out right lies told in politics ? Why do women want so desperately to be associated with liar, thieves, and murders in the Political Arena?

Over 50 Million sons and daughters have been murdered by abortions, so those doctors and clinics can make a ton of money from govt genocide funding, for govt to further their depopulation agendas. Backed by Bill Gates and Ted Turner and others.

Are women really informed on the propaganda strategies of the feds and abortion clinics and planned parenthood?

Do they know murder is a commandment not to do...