Federal Govt To Use ISIS Proxy Radicals

The USA Inc is setting up the proxy warriors ISIS of ISLAM to have a jihad in America.

Do you remember when Janet Napalatono left the WH - DHS to go work at a University in California! She said a threat will come against Americas homeland..... and in fact she has helped the infiltrated Muslims in govt to access secret documents, by providing security clearances.

Understand this that Obama declared WAR on the Americas homeland.

DC is a corporate entity set up legally in Puerto Rico. And Washington DC is not located on American Soil!

The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C. "
 A corporation is simply an entity which makes its own rules for its own employees and for its own structural operation. The US government, which is on a ten acre parcel of property in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), outside the United States of America is a corporation that has taken on the role of a quasi-government, but which has no legal authority to do so "
USA Inc / Corporate partnership leveraged for WAR creation and supplies support against American citizens. Corporate greed pushes patriotism out the window and trashes it.

The False Flags such as Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, and most other mass killings on american soils created by or supported by the CFR CIA DARPA corporate entities has been proven time and time again. All done to manipulate populace opinions to raise support for legislative initiatives by the politicians in office creating more laws and more oppression of constitutional rights of Americas citizens.

Janet has pointed out that the OKC Bombing was a domestic terror attack. She's lying, because it was an orchestrated psyops False Fag attack, by the USA Inc CFR ATF FBI to blow up the Federal building. People whom worked their were told not to go to work that day. Many unexploded bomb packages were found unexploded in the buildings rubles. A bomb squad truck just happened to be parked with in several blocks, by eye witness accounts, the very morning of the explosion. In an interview Dr Fred Whitehurst who worked for the FBI, tells that his internal documents on the OKC Bombing Investigative heard he officialy did were altered. Today such false flag attacks like the Boston Bombing and Sandy Hook False Flag Shooting has law enforcement Training Drills within or with in a 10 mile radius on the very day of it occurring.


The USA Inc is setting up the proxy warriors of ISLAM to have a jihad in America.

WE The People DO NOT, WILL NOT ACCEPT terror events from the FEDs, the NWO Illuminati Bankers, Military Complex, FBI, CIA Muslim Radicals being recruited and paid for as Proxy Armies to harm citizens. Patriots and truth era know for a fact this rogue NWO govt are the center of engineering destruction, death and chaos around the world and here in the USA.

Homeland Security is a compilation of many usurped govt depts. and infiltrated military to train up patsies like the FBI does in their false flag operations. of past events. Again good citizens with in govt have thrown their support of the Constitution in the trash for Big Salaries and big Benefit Packages given to them by their employer the Federal Govt. GREED his allowed corruption to usurp peoples judgements and keep them living in a MATRIX Paradigm of the govts pysops makings, to further the NWO Agenda 21 operations by stealth. The mass majority of Americans don't have a clue.

9/11 was the FBI NWO biggest event that changed Americas perception on national security. The USA Inc is a corporate entity that makes its revenue from fining corporations for money, transporting large quantities of drugs from south america and the middle east such as Pakistan and Afghanistan into america using military and commercial contractors for service fees, grants, and bid contracts. And running or supporting sex trafficking in america working with foundations, UN dictatorship countries to import female sex slaves to america and around the work under cover of National Security.

After awhile it has become clear that the Endgame chapters and future plans are unfolding right before our eyes. Gun ownership is being oppressed by the USA Inc for several reasons. American Citizens is the largest domestic standing army in the world with over 10 million gun owners.

The Feds continue to get legislation written to oppress ammunition ownership and ownership by weapon size/caliber reduced.

The feds support domestic acts of provocateurs in violence and hate speech and destruction of private property.

America will be destroyed. Judgement is here. Only a small hand full of truly righteous will survive.

Monopoly rules that are to be enforced by the Feds are ignored and govt support of conglomerates is out of control. Again greed of CEO and wall street investors is the honey, as they give their allegiances to the Almighty dollar and not to citizens sovereignty and constitutional rights.

From a biblical perspective, when ever Israel fell from Gods good graces, as America has, Israels enemies were allowed to trample upon them. What it is saying is when the PEOPLE became so full of themselves and self righteous in their deeds and actions, to actually stop practicing Gods Laws, and wascondoning perversions, greed and whorshipped idols of money and statues, God allowed evil forces to destroy them, for not just dabbling in evil but actually practicing evil.

God gave them instructions how to return to Gods favor and blessings. Stop sinning, pray and practice the Golden Rules. Sin is fun, and it is very deadly.

America will be destroyed. Judgement is here. Only a small hand full of truly righteous will survive.

 The USA Inc is setting up the proxy warriors of ISLAM to have a jihad in America.

There will not be a 2016 election finalized with a Winner. Move out of America if you still can! Pray, pray, pray!

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