This Page is Dedicated to the hundreds and thousands of people that have been injured and murdered by the
United States Military HAARP GEO-Engineering Weather
weaponry turned on and against the american public across our States, counties and cities.
So where are all these scientific engineeted clouds hiding in 2014 ? Has the govt stopped manipulating the atmosphere overhead finally? 2004 and 2005 produced record Hurricanes and devistation across Americas coasts and eastern mid sections from Texas to Maine. Where are these today. Why has it been so calm.
Are they done playing around with the Tesla Wave Machines they have invented? I seriously doubt it. In fact their Weather Modification continues on in their quest to perfect them, for war and population controls.
' For every ACTION theres an equal opposite REACTION.' So what are the short and long term effects of these radio frequency based wave pulses and streams upon the earths magnetic fields, the forests and all live forms on planet earth anyways. I mean we had discovered that pouring chemicals down our drains and into our crop fields, floods the rivers with a toxic soup that is carried down to the oceans and eventually settles on the bottom as a floors, where bottom feeding sea animals such as carp, cat fish, crustaceans, shrimp, crabs and so on gobble up the toxins. And with humans great love for sea foods just gobble them up and poison ourselves.
Ya the clouds are really cool to look at but like everything man makes from a corrupted heart, his unsashiable appetite for gain, has always harmed the masses, in his quests, from his inventions and directives. Always.
So the people continue to pay for govts unsashiable appetite for destruction. With their taxes, higher insurance premiums, inflation, medical expenses, sorrow and their very lives.
The partnership of CEO's aka Corporations and Govt has become a Firewall for CORRUPTION and MASS MURDER of Americas citizens. When will enough cousins die, Nieves die, nephews die, sisters and brothers die, daughters and sons die, wives amdnhusbamds die from this Final of EVIL and the people don't just say " ENOUGH IS ENOUGH " but finally actually do something to nringnthese people to justice for their genocidal pact of crimes against humanitu?
Folks the world isn't over populated. Life isn't cheap and valueless. The financial system is manipulated to keep you to busy keeping food on the table. Propaganda mind control is rampant in our schools and higher education systems, in our mass media news and TV programs, our music and movies.
If you don't take back your own MINDS, and STOP ALL THE MIND POLLUTION your hearts will no longer care what happens to your families and relatives.