Remember This One...? The Moon The Moon The Moon
Vote Out All Progressives and non-counstitutional candidates and turn america around !
October the Eighth, Two Thousand and Fourteen. The second Blood Red Moon Eclipse to appear of a total of four with a full solar eclipse in March 2015.
In the bible book called Genesis God says their will be 'signs' in the stars, the heavens, the as seasons...
All things are appointed for their times....
God has his own universal calendar. And since he knows all things all the time he loves us enough to share certain things. Do we believe in his word, in the bible to learn his signs. Do we consult people who are well learned in them. I have to tell ya the military leaders do. As do the scholars.
Have we checked to see what major event (s) occurred on these prophetic dates and times...
( Oct 05, 2014 )
Silver is in a BULL MARKET yet prices have been falling for months with investors continuing to stock up on silver...
Silver has always been the preference for the common persons to trade with one another for thousands of years.
If the financial markets would collapse from the stock market collapse because investors that bought high would lose billions right now.
If other banks collapse like Lehman Brothers no one will buy out the failed banks and failed brokerage firms. Pensions will collapse into bankruptcy. Millions will lose their nest eggs.
Many wealthy people will be broke owning assets to be sold off on the pennies.
So basically ...
Silver prices in some circles expect it to climb - from its drop down around $15.00, $16.00 spot value a troy onze prices. If you bought a roll, a 40 count roll- 1964 90% silver content quarters at $15.00 silver oz spot value+ 15%, and prices jumped back up to $38.00 bid/sell price value, and you sold at that value, you'd almost double your investment...
If the dollar is shut down and silver n gold returns as the trading instrument, some expect silver spot values to go as high as 2000.00 dollars.
Its pretty clear 1964 silver coins have their standard face value plus silver content value. So they are still USA currency regardless of what the paper dollar does. Pretty cool in times of mass inflation and mass dollar devaluation.
7 years of judgement ...
Many scholars believe We the people first have to pray, stock up on water, food, and gasoline NOW.
Gods telling America to reverse course, from debt is money, abortion, to homosexuality, to sexual perversions, webcams, pedophile rings for the wealthy elitists or 7 years of judgement famine disease, wars, asteroid collision, earthquakes, pestilences.
You should be sharing this info to all your family members and co workers. Understand the poorest won't have a safety net and will absolutely have to rob stores and homes to eat and survive if possible. This is why the law enforcement has been trained in military tactics to shoot first.
And buy physical silver and gold if feasible.