Satanic ritual abuse by Project Monarch
To even begin to disseminate the concepts and philosophy of morals and values, one has to have the desire with in themselves to know good and evil and what those two words actually mean.
To get on a bus to travel from point a to point b, one has to have a lot of others things to carry this trip out. A thought, a desire, a goal, a plan, expectations, information, resources, physical capability, patience, time available, an internal personal standard of conduct, rest, energy, just to name a few. People don't normally just rely one one persons help but we well information from many sources, before setting out on our journey.
One could simply walk to a bus station and try to take a bus ride, but that will probably be met with great resistance and frustration for not preparing oneself in advance.
Life is much the same way. We grow and learn and practice and dream and seek standards of information and apply them as we go along our journey. Standards and information are crucial to making ones journey safer, more pleasant and more enriching. This is not how we are taught thou. In fact we are left in the dark a great deal of the time, to fend for ourselves. And we miss a lot of good information and the fundamental standards are not shared or are missing huge chunks, which then makes are journey very bumpy. And there's a lot of crap thinking out there made available purely for a profit.
I believe standards are key to a persons happiness and future existence. I call them morals. Not because I'm old fashioned, but because the morals I accept make a lot more sense to me than all the other disinformation and secular values made available. The ole saying that what gos around comes around. And the ole saying you are your brothers keeper. Those two sum it up pretty well for me.
In my journey in this physical existence we all call life, I believe its fundamental that any action a person takes should not harm another. And most actions should benefit me and or another. In other words don't do things that harm myself or harm others or make a greater risk of harm for either life force.
Understanding and embracing this idea or ideology may help one to conclude people or a collective of people, who are and have a self centered self absorbed power hungry obsessed mind set, do live with out such a moral standard. They live in this life, and can and do practice actions that do great harm to the weakest of people that are lacking an ability for and of self defense. And those people do carry out horrific actions towards others in secret, in dark nontransparent locals, and in disguise and by deception, for personal gain and personal pleasure.
The human race is again faced with an evil so great and carried out by mankind against mankind, it's becoming impossible for them to keep it a secret. These are the same people in power who write the laws and pass the laws and change the laws and break the laws. These are the people who work diligently to change a societies perceptions of good and evil actions and attributes.
Here's a list of suggested labels that point to a change by society as socially acceptable or unacceptable.
Smoking . sex . marriage . homo lesbian relations . . man child sex . incest . drink . drugs . crime . disease . acceptable risk . risk dollar analysis . marriage . men . threat levels . fear . hate . abuse . tolerance . just name a few.
The propaganda machine is working very hard under political correctness to subvert the meanings to words, to turn truth into lies and turn lies into truth. Based on standards society is finding its self to be very confused as to what the standards are, and should be. And it is all done on purpose and with malicious intent by the powers that be. Simply so they the evil hearted evil minded men in society of great wealth and power can legitimize their actions of impurity and immoral conduct against nature and against others that are defenseless.
Then they can practice such actions out in the open and even gain even more pleasure and more wealth. Once evil is good normal moral behaviour there's nothing that can stop it being a normal practice, whether it harms another person or not. The acceptable risk level is ratcheted up on a regular basis. And when a program or product is placed in a legal cage by contract, it is adjusted frequently, again ratcheting up the risk and abuse.
This is referred to in two ways:
Opening up Pandora's box.
The slippery slope.
The further reach of evil away from the basics of human conduct that -we are our brothers keepers- the deeper mankind exercises evil and depravity. Perversion is hardly ever out into the light of day anymore. Simply because it is caged under legal ease that has been slowly but gainfully softened through political correctness and tolerance speak.
Obama is not the only one to bring forth FUNDAMENTAL change, as the collective regime he is apart of has worked for years to do just that. To turn evil into good.
The majority and minority of society all share a portion of this deceit being played out today.
When will we, if at all, wake up to the deceit and the lies that evil is not good and nor is it a healthy life style...