Remember this one...? All Governments Are Following Agenda 21 Marxist agendas

       Agenda 21 was written supposedly to combat global warming, when in reality it is a communist manifesto to enslave the worlds populations by design. A one world govt based on a godless Marxist principals, of a collective society and centralized power center, with countries borders redefined as global regions. Its an international coup by treaty. Racketeering.  An international group of men who are greedy, immoral, godless, and or satanic illuminaries, liars, thieves, murders and lawless.

The power collective does nothing but control and manipulate and gain from insider trading schemes, making themselves wealthier so they can buy up what they destroyed of your wealth building investments like property and pensions. They are stealing you and everyone blind.
 So while they nudge and push statutes and legislation to make your co my city down size, their ri h enough to pay any so called carbon taxes and buy carbon credits, that they use to off set the taxes. Remember they make the rules. So they have the inside skinny to what's coming. ICLI uses bribes to get states and counties to adapt the Agenda 21 Regional agendas.

God destroyed mankind because they had evil in their hearts continuously. 
There's nothing new under the sun by evil... Power and profit is and has always been the Earths and mankind's biggest enemy.

The biggest corporate players that have gone international are the biggest so called winners. Agenda 21 is legalized racketeering by governments to monopolize leadership, manufacturers and resources. 
   The US population has been deceived into believing our govt is a real governmental body which, in realty is a chartered business conglomerate body contracted to the individual Nation States in America by a Constitutional agreement. The United Nations is a legal chartered club of tyrannical country members. 192 dictator countries.
A-21 will end up pushing massive amounts of populations into cities and out of the rural areas. Corporations will buy or lease the resources and fill the iluminati-occultic-jesuit-freemason illegal banker usurped us govt coffers. 
There will never be a utopia structured by man, demon, fallen angel, or alien entities on earth. 
Until you learn the truth, the history of madmens ideologies, understand how determined evil truly is, and take your kids out of the federal controlled education systems and home school them, america will not turn around.
Understanding the scam of racketeering.